Camera and microphone access

1 min to read
Sites that provide various features that use a camera or microphone ask for permission to access them.

Why these difficulties

Access to devices is prohibited by default for the sake of your privacy. You must clearly give permission to use of a camera and/or microphone.

Request to use

When a site requests access to your device, you may see a pop-up window at the top of the browser, similar to this:

Popup window

By clicking on the "Allow" button, the sound from your microphone or video from the webcam becomes available to the site only at the moment his use.

If you click "Block", the site will not be able to access your devices, but you will not be able to continue using its corresponding functions.

Change selection

In order to return access to devices or, conversely, deny it, you can open the appropriate site settings in your browser.

Change selection

Different browsers have these settings in different places, but most often there is a button somewhere near the address bar as in the image above.

Operating system

Access to devices may also be denied to the browser itself at the level of your operating system settings. To grant access, you need to open its privacy settings and make the appropriate changes, for example as described here for Windows OS.

Your privacy

The website does not store your data on its servers without your consent, but records and plays them only in your browser window.
